Explained: Georgia's 31 October 2020 Elections

Visiting-Georgia-ის მიერ

On 31 October 2020 Georgia not only held its elections in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, but more crucially, Georgia will be electing an entirely new system of parliament, with the intent to make Georgia's parliament more proportional and representative of the will of the Georgian people.

Amid this backdrop, the election results proved to be divisive, resulting in an opposition boycott in the face of international recognition of the results, including from American and EU observers.

This video offers a brief description of international assessments of the election, along with a short analysis of the election's implications.

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Electoral Observations:

Technical Election Assessment Mission: Georgia 2020 Parliamentary Election Pre-Election Report. International Republican Institute. October 2020. Washington, United States. PDF. https://www.iri.org/sites/default/fil...

INTERNATIONAL ELECTION OBSERVATION MISSION Georgia -- Parliamentary Elections, 31 October 2020, Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions. OSCE. PDF. https://www.osce.org/files/f/document...

Georgia Election Watch. National Democratic Institute. 02 Nov 2020. Accessed 02 Nov 2020. PDF. https://civil.ge/wp-content/uploads/2...

Summary of Monitoring 31 October 2020 Parliamentary Elections. Transparency International Georgia. 01 Nov 2020. Accessed 01 Nov 2020. At https://transparency.ge/en/post/summa...

Georgia: Statement by the Spokesperson on the Parliamentary elections. European Union External Action. 01 Nov 2020. Accessed 01 Nov 2020. At https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/h...

U.S. Embassy Statement on Georgia’s Parliamentary Election. U.S. Embassy to Georgia. 01 Nov 2020. Accessed 01 Nov 2020. At https://ge.usembassy.gov/u-s-embassy-...

Evaluations of the Parliamentary Elections of 31 October 2020.\" Georgian Young Lawyers Association. 01 Nov 2020. Accessed 06 Nov 2020. At https://gyla.ge/en/post/2020-tslis-31...

NGOs assessment of the 2020 parliamentary elections. Transparency International--Georgia. 04 Nov 2020. Accessed 06 Nov 2020. At https://transparency.ge/en/post/ngos-...


Explainer: Georgia’s October 31 General Elections. Civil.ge. 29 Oct 2020. Accessed 01 Nov 2020. At https://civil.ge/archives/378105

ISFED Parallel Vote Tabulation Results. Civil.ge 31 Oct 2020. Accessed 01 Nov 2020. At https://civil.ge/archives/379416
Winners and Losers of Georgia's October 31 Elections. Civil.ge. 02 Nov 2020. Accessed 02 Nov 2020. At https://civil.ge/archives/379831

Georgian Opposition Party Calls Elections 'Unfair,\" Refuses Second-Round Participation. RFERL. 02 Nov 2020. Accessed 02 Nov 2020. At https://www.rferl.org/a/georgian-oppo...

Results of observation of the polling day as of 9 PM. Georgian Young Lawyers' Association. 31 Oct 2020. Accessed 01 Nov 2020. At https://www.gyla.ge/en/post/2100-saat...

საია ცესკოს მიერ არჩევნების შემაჯამებელი ოქმების გამოქვეყნების გაჭიანურებას უარყოფითად აფასებს. საქართველოს ახალგაზრდა იურისტთა ასოციაცია. 01 Nov 2020. Accessed 02 Nov 2020. At https://www.gyla.ge/ge/post/saia-cesk...