Épuration ethnolinguistique 2

Bacurius-ის მიერ

Dali Khomeriki, ministre abkhaze de l'éducation et de la culture de la République autonome d'Abkhazie (დალი ხომერიკი, აფხაზეთის განათლების და კულტურის მინისტრი)\r
Communiqué du S.P. (version anglaise) : \"The Minister of Education and Culture of Abkhazian Autonomous Republic protests against the pressure exerted on Georgian teachers by separatists and Russian aggressors.\r
The Minister of Education and Culture of Abkhazia responded to the renewal of the educational process in the occupied Gali region today and protested against the pressure exerted on the Georgian teachers by the occupants. The minister has touched upon the importance of launching peace education initiatives to foster relations between the Georgian and Abkhaz youth. At the press conference Minister Khomeriki asserted the mounting pressure on teachers and parents several days prior the beginning of the school year. Specifically, director of the school in the village of Sida Guliada Sichinava and several administration members have been dismissed due to the intensive Georgian language instruction led by the school. We are thankful to the Georgian population and teachers in the Gali region, who often at the expense of their own security and in the most difficult circumstances maintain Georgian citizenship and commitment to the Georgian language instruction in the occupied region. While the Russian language is listed as native in the school graduation papers (Atestats) of the local population, the russifying strategy of aggressors places serious concerns over protection of the Georgian as well as the Abkhaz state languages in the occupied region. We urge on the Abkhaz not to fall under the ideological pressure of the occupants. We are offering peace education strategy instead, said Minister Khomeriki at the press conference. According to the Minister, based on the results of the Unified National Entrance Exams, this academic year more than 80 school graduates from the occupied Gali region have been admitted to the Georgian higher educational institutions.\r
Abkhazia gov ge : http://www.abkhazia.gov.ge/index.php?...