Nikolai Lobachevsky (The great Russian mathematician)

Hubble G-ის მიერ

#თეონა21 #Teona21
E-mail: [email protected]

Music by Ilia Gvadzabia
Video by Teona Gvadzabia

N. I. Lobachevsky was born on December I, 1792 in the Makariev district, near Nizhni Novgorod. His father died when N. Lobachevsky was only a child, leaving the family in extreme poverty.
They moved to Kazan where Lobachevsky was admitted to the gymnasium. We know his progress to have been extremely rapid in mathematics. He remained true to this science all his life. At the age of 14 he entered the University of Kazan, where he was to spend the next forty years of his life as student, assistant professor and finally rector.
When 18 years of age, Lobachevsky took his Master’s degree and two years later was appointed assistant professor. His duties were extremely absorbing. In addition to his mathematical work he was charged with courses in astronomy, physics and besides was in charge of the University Library and the University Museum. He was given no assistant and had to do all the work himself.
In 1827 Lobachevsky was appointed rector of the University. Under his direction great improvements were made. For instance, we know an observatory to have been founded and equipped, and a mechanical workshop to have been organized.
Although overburdened with teaching and administration, Lobachevsky created one of the greatest masterpieces of mathematics — non-Euclidean geometry. His first public communication on the subject was made at a meeting of the Department of Mathematics and Physics of Kazan University in 1826. We know Lobachevsky, then a young scientist, to have presented a paper: “A brief outline of the principles of geometry, strictly demonstrating the theory of parallel lines.”
That day non-Euclidean geometry was born.
In spite of all the services he rendered to his country Lobachevsky was relieved in 1846 of his rector-ship without any explanation. Broken by this misfortune, he fell ill and soon lost his eyesight. We know his “Pan geometry” the result of a whole life of scientific work to have been dictated, for Lobachevsky was already blind by that time. He died on February 24, 1856 at the age of 63.
Lobachevsky’s ideas had a great influence on the development not only of geometry but also of other mathematical sciences, as well as on mechanics, physics and astronomy. Few discoveries in world science can equal those of Lobachevsky. Like Archimedes, Galileo, Copernicus and Newton, he is one of those who laid the foundations of science.

Source: Э.Я.БАГ; Н.А.НЕЧАЕВА; Э.С.ЯРАЛОВА; 1963 Y.

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