Jvari Monastery UNESCO, Mtskheta, Georgia - Davit Nozadze, Georgia Guide \u0026 Tour ManagerMore on the Jvari Monastery, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jvari_M...Jvari Monastery (Georgian: ჯვრის მ...
TravelMedia.ie-ის მიერ
Jvari Monastery - Το Μοναστήρι του ΣταυρούEmbedded subtitles in English – Ελληνικοί υπότιτλοιJvari (Cross) is a sixth-century Monastery of the “Ascension of the Cross”. It is listed as a World Herit...
Takis Travels-ის მიერ
"Там, где, сливаяся, шумят,Обнявшись, будто две сестры,Струи Арагвы и Куры,Был монастырь. Из-за горыИ нынче видит пешеходСтолбы обрушенных ворот,И башни, и церковный свод…" (М. Лермонтов) Из цен...
anfilatov-ის მიერ
Jvari Monastery- VI century church and monastery, located in the east of Mtskheta, at the mouth of the river Mtkvari and Aragvi, on the rocky mountain peak. Jvari Monastery is included in the UNESCO W...
Lasha Mtvaradze-ის მიერ
#JVARImONASTERY #GEORGIA #TBILISI #TRAVELgEORGIAplease don't forget to subscribe to my channel and comment belowand click the LIke button \u0026 notification bell :)Instagram : Sonnie TVhttps://www.fa...
Sonnie TV-ის მიერ
Georgia tour part 2 - Jvari Monastery, Mtskheta, Chateau Mukhrani@renitasmixedmagicwall #renitasmixedmagicwall #quarantinefreetravel #tbilisigeorgia2021 #sharjahtotbilisi #ilovetbilisi #georgiatour...
Don Oto-ის მიერ
#mtskheta #jvariMonastery #tbilisiMtskheta is a city in Mtskheta-Mtianeti province of Georgia. One of the oldest cities of Georgia and its former capital, it is located approximately 20 kilometres nor...
Friday Coffee-ის მიერ
Historical Monuments of Mtskheta Jvari (monastery) The name of this monastery translated as the "Monastery of the Cross". For the Georgian monastery in Jerusalem with the same name, see Monastery of t...
DG GROUP-ის მიერ
#სინოდი2020 მომლოცველობა ჯვრის მომასტერში#Synod2020 - pilgrimage at Jvari Monastery
Mtskheta holds great importance to Georgia, being home to significant medieval monuments of Georgian christianity, such as the Samtavro Church (Place of the Ruler), Svetitskhoveli Cathedral (from the...
FlightTravels-ის მიერ
Georgia tour part 3 - Ananuri, Gudauri, chronicles of georgia@renitasmixedmagicwall #renitasmixedmagicwall #quarantinefreetravel #tbilisigeorgia2021 #sharjahtotbilisi #ilovetbilisi #georgiatour #tbili...
Renita's mixed magic wall-ის მიერ
Tbilisi is Georgia's ancient and vibrant capital city spreads out on both banks of the Mtkvari River, and is surrounded on three sides by mountains. The most widely accepted variant of the legend of T...
Surf and Turf Travel-ის მიერ
#GAMBORIPASS #KVARELILAKE #GEORGIA #EASTERNGEORGIA #SONNIETVplease don't forget to subscribe to my channel and comment belowand click the LIke button \u0026 notification bell :)Instagram : Sonnie TV ...
Sonnie TV-ის მიერ
#ILOVETBILISI #MACHAKELA #KHINKALI #KHACHAPURI trying some authentic Georgian food at Machakela Restaurant . please don't forget to subscribe to my channel and comment belowand click the LIke button...
Sonnie TV-ის მიერ