გīთā ქარმა yōგა (गीता कर्म योग जोर्जियन लिपि में, Gita Karma Yoga in Georgian script)

Akshara Pravaaha-ის მიერ

Here are 18 selected verses from Bhagwat Geeta discussing the Art of Action. We start with opening verse of chapter 3. Arjuna is asking Krishna to tell him one path to follow, either the path of action (ქარმა yōგა), or the path of intellect (ბუდ'დჰი yōგა). In the remaining 17 selected verses, Krishna explains how these two paths are not separate. He starts by pointing out that as long as we live, there is no freedom from action. Willingly or unwillingly we have to act - ქāრyათē ჰyავაśაḥ ქარმა, ქარმაṇyēვāდჰიქāრასთē... Krishna describes Satvik, Rajasik and Tamasik karma. He says that a wise person acts without attachment to actions or results - ბუდ'დჰიyუქთō ჯაჰāთīჰა უბჰē სუქრ̥თადუṣქრ̥თē.

A quick recitation of these verses helps us remember the essence of Karma Yoga as taught by Krishna to Arjuna. This sacred knowledge is ancient, time tested and practical.

This video is shared with a hope to help readers of Georgian script. You can practice this by reciting along the text and audio. Hope this helps in your sadhana.

Here is a link to our playlist with more videos in Georgian:    • აქṣარა ფრავāჰა ჯōრჯიyანა - अक्षर प्रव...  

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