ჯანმადინაგīთამ (जन्मदिनगीतम् जोर्जियन लिपि में, Birthday Song in Georgian script)

Akshara Pravaaha-ის მიერ

This Birthday Song (ჯანმადინაგīთამ) is a beautiful Sanskrit composition by Swami Tejomayananda ji. The song wishes health, well-being and prosperity to the birthday person in a very meaningful way. Meaning of the short and sweet poem is given along with the text.

This video is shared with a hope to help readers of Georgian script. You can practice this by reciting along the text and audio. Hope this helps in your sadhana.

Here is a link to our playlist with more videos in Georgian:    • აქṣარა ფრავāჰა ჯōრჯიyანა - अक्षर प्रव...  

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