The yuga-dharma

Spiritual and Aducational-ის მიერ

During this era of contentions, quarrels, hypocrisy, deception and wars called in Sanskrit - kali-yuga, 500 years ago on the earth the embodiment of the god in an image of a gold avatar which call Gauranga Mahaprabhu has condescended. The Supreme personality of godhead, the Absolute truth, has proved here on the earth, in the territory of India, in Navadvip. She showed to people and all Universe all the greatness, power, all the boundless manifestations, potentialities, transcendental energy, attributes, the eternal satellites and the spiritual sky, transcendental and material worlds, all the life and the truth about herself. So there is no nothing left secret, unknown about him, all knowledge was opened by him for inhabitants not only this earth, but also all Universe. He has brought and has given to people a perfect method of achievement of perfection of existence for this era - joint chanting of his sacred names - Hare Krishna Makhamantra which consists of a combination of three of his main names - Hare, Krishna and Rama that mean: Hare is his boundless internal potentiality of service, devotion, sacrifice and love; Rama - that who presents with boundless happiness, joy and pleasure, perfect bliss of god of understanding and service to Him; and Krishna - all the attracting primary source, the absolute center of everything, he incarnate absolute beauty, he himself unearthly pleasure, bliss and love, the delightful absolute.
გამოიწერეთ ჩვენი არხი და იხილავთ კიდევ სხვა ბევრ სააინტერესოს.    / @spiritualandaducational5601  
მეტი ინფორმაციისთვის შეგიძლიათ ესტუმროთ ჩემს ორ გვერდს ფეისბუკზე
  / zura.kirkitadze.75  

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