Robert G. Ousterhout: Three Critical Moments in Caucasian Architecture

Robert G. Ousterhout: Three Critical Moments in Caucasian Architecture
რობერტ ოსტერჰოტი: სამი კრიტიკული მომენტი კავკასიის არქიტექტურაში.
01 June 2021

Georgian Project Lecture Series: Aesthetics, Art, and Architecture in the Caucasus Lecture Series organized by Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut in cooperation with the George Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation.
#ჩუბინაშვილისცენტრი #Chubinashvilicentre #MaxPlanckInstitut #KunsthistorischesInstitutinFlorenz

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