David Gareja Monastery / დავით გარეჯის მონასტერი / Давид Гареджа, Georgia| Momentsu0026Places

Moments \u0026 Places-ის მიერ

• Грузия. Путешествие на авто. | Коротк...   -Travel across the Georgia
   • 2000 до Кавказа | Грузия. Путешествие...   - Full story

David Gareja დავითგარეჯის სამონასტრო კომპლექსი is a rock-hewn Georgian Orthodox monastery complex located in the Kakheti region of Eastern Georgia , on the half-desert slopes of Mount Gareja on the edge of Iori Plateau, some 60–70 km southeast of Georgia's capital Tbilisi. The complex includes hundreds of cells, churches, chapels, refectories and living quarters hollowed out of the rock face.
Part of the complex of David Gareja (Bertubani Monastery) is located in the borderline's s zone between Georgia and Azerbaijan and has become subject to a border dispute between Georgia and Azerbaijan. The area is also home to protected animal species and evidence of some of the oldest human habitations in the region.

Aug 2015