
911 საიდუმლოება 8/9 - 911 Mysteries 8/9

americshow-ის მიერ

911 Mysteries
AND Facts
The 9-11Research Companion to
911 Mysteries - Demolitions
by Jim Hoffman
A detailed point-by-point critique of the film using an illustrated transcript
Based on the transcript at

Due to a copyright dispute, the current version of \"911 Mysteries\" will be re-cut and a new video will be released. Please await the re-release --
coming soon! http://www.911weknow.com/911-mysterie...
Watch the LA bannering YouTube video here:    • 9-11 Truth has largest presence at LA...  

9/11 Eyewitness creator Rick Siegel has recently been involved in legal battles with Sofia Shafquat, creator of 9/11 Mysteries, regarding his content being used in the film. Although Siegel tends to lean towards the \"inside job\" perspective, I condone his actions in exposing the fraud that is 9/11 Mysteries.

Siegel had this to say on the clip Sofia shows us of WTC1 collapsing.Sophia Shafquat, Brad Waddell, and Avatar produce a product that has dreadfully distorted reality. Here is but one clip showing how they placed explosions and sounds of police radio calls where nothing of the kind existed. Secrets and Lies, frauds from those claiming to seek the truth. These people think the ends justify any means. Criminals chasing criminals in a circular sameness of Hollywood corruptions and out lying each other.

The following is a video made by Siegel that demonstrates the edits made. This will be added to the 9/11 Mysteries Guide at a later date. http://www.911mysteriesguide.com/