ეკო გრანტების პროგრამა - ეროზიის პრევენცია ქვემო რაჭაში

Europe Foundation-ის მიერ

Visit Website: http://www.epfound.ge
Visit Facebook:   / 114354688622397  

Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF), a recognized leader in the field of grants management and program administration in the South Caucasus. EPF is comprised of three locally registered offices in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, each with nearly 13 years of experience in the field of grassroots civil society development.

EPF is linked into the expertise and resources of the broader EF Network -- sharing programming, ideas, systems and lessons that enrich all activities in the South Caucasus.

EPF's Mission Statement:
To empower people to effect change for social justice and economic prosperity through hands-on programs, helping them to improve their communities and their own lives.

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