R-Ladies Tbilisi (English - თბილისი): Working with text in R - Ella Kaye

R-Ladies Global-ის მიერ

This tidyverse-based talk will provide an overview of some of the fantastic packages available for text analysis, including (but not limited to) `stringr`, `RVerbalExpressions`, `tidytext` and `wordcloud`.

Ella Kaye is a PhD student in Statistics at the University of Warwick. She is an R enthusiast and package author, and the co-organiser of the Oxford R User Group.

Slides of the talk: https://ellakaye.github.io/RLadies-Tb...
Talk materials: https://github.com/EllaKaye/RLadies-T...

R-Ladies Tbilisi hosted Ella Kaye (@ellamkaye) on July 4, 2020.

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