იცოდით, რომ პაბლო რუის პიკასო, არამხოლოდ მსოფლიოში ცნობილი მხატვარი, მოქანდაკე, გრაფიკოსი, კერამიკოსი და კუბიზმის ფუძემდებელი იყო, არამედ პოეტი და დრამატურგიც?
Did you know that Pablo Ruiz Picasso was world famous not only as an artist, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist and as a founder of Cubism, but he was also a poet and playwright?
Did you know that Pablo Ruiz Picasso was world famous not only as an artist, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist and as a founder of Cubism, but he was also a poet and playwright?