Annexation of the Georgian territories started back in 1980s. In 2008, when we witnessed an attempt to deprive us of our statehood and lands, Georgia resisted. Georgia rallied the world behind it, saved the statehood and halted the advance of the Russian forces.
In years that came, we averted series of international recognitions of our occupied territories, terrorist acts. It is for this reason that in the recent years no one would dare to spread barbed wire like now. Just recently, we lost more agricultural land in hectares than there was in Kurta and Tamarasheni [Georgian villages north of Tskhinvali] put together. Russia took these villages with a very heavy political price and now it hasn't paid any. If Russia has no price to pay, it will continue the same thing. We have accumulated this experience, experience of achievements and mistakes. I do not shy away from mistakes and we do know what achievements we have. This is what we wish to hear -- not only achievements but also mistakes which obviously took place. Some things could have, of course, been done better. But now, we will not benefit form confrontation. Our land is being claimed, our people are being expelled from their homes and however much would we say that this is a provocation this will not work.
Whoever would be in Government in Georgia, Russia continues the same thing and all of us should have realised this by now, President of Georgia concluded. Visit Website:
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In years that came, we averted series of international recognitions of our occupied territories, terrorist acts. It is for this reason that in the recent years no one would dare to spread barbed wire like now. Just recently, we lost more agricultural land in hectares than there was in Kurta and Tamarasheni [Georgian villages north of Tskhinvali] put together. Russia took these villages with a very heavy political price and now it hasn't paid any. If Russia has no price to pay, it will continue the same thing. We have accumulated this experience, experience of achievements and mistakes. I do not shy away from mistakes and we do know what achievements we have. This is what we wish to hear -- not only achievements but also mistakes which obviously took place. Some things could have, of course, been done better. But now, we will not benefit form confrontation. Our land is being claimed, our people are being expelled from their homes and however much would we say that this is a provocation this will not work.
Whoever would be in Government in Georgia, Russia continues the same thing and all of us should have realised this by now, President of Georgia concluded. Visit Website:
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