Festive closing of the Upperground Exhibition of Roland Shalamberidze. Georgian National Gallery

Georgian National Gallery-ის მიერ

დიმიტრი შევარდნაძის სახელობის ეროვნულ გალერეაში მიმდინარე როლანდ შალამბერიძის გამოფენა “UPPERGROUND” 1 სექტემბერს 19:00 საათზე, არტისტის ექსპერიმენტალური სიმებიანი კვარტეტის „WHITE OUT” მუსიკალური პერფორმანსით დასრულდა. აღსანიშნავია, რომ მუსიკალური ინსტრუმენტები თავად როლანდ შალამბერიძის მიერ არის შექმნილი და წარმოდგენილი იყო მის გამოფენაზე.

The exhibition of Roland Shalamberidze presents the artist's creative path. His art develops in different directions: fine arts, music, performance arts, literature, video art.His works are exhibited in various museums of the world, the artist's musical performances are also successful... It should be noted that Roland Shalamberidze creates musical instruments himself.

Roland Shalamberidze was born in 1958 in Kutaisi, Georgia. In 1982, he and Merab Amaglobeli founded the non-conformist creative club of artists and poets White Wings in Kutaisi.

Roland Shalamberidze lives and works in St. Petersburg since 1988. He works as an abstractionist, conceptualist, performance artist, installer, sound and video artist. From 1996 to 2001 he lived in Germany, then in New York… In 2002 he returned to St. Petersburg.

In 2001, he created a band called White Out. Famous St. Petersburg musicians were involved in this project.

Roland Shalamberidze is the founder of the UPPERGROUND movement.

Currently works in the St. Petersburg Art Center Pushkinskaya 10 and in his own workshop in Tbilisi.

The band White Out performed at the closing of the exhibition. Exhibition is curated by Khvicha Doghonidze.

Exhibition duration: 12.08-31.08.2022

Address: D. Shevardnadze National Gallery, 11 Shota Rustaveli Ave. Tbilisi, Georgia.