„პრომეთეოსის“ ფეისბუკის პირდაპირ ეთერში ფილოლოგიის მეცნიერებათა დოქტორი, პროფ. ნანა შენგელაია ისაუბრებს თემაზე „ფესტოს დისკოს დამწერლობები“
PhD (Linguistic theory and typology)
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Researcher in the centre for ‘Language, Logic and Speech’ of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia.
She is the author of two monographs: ‘Linguistics and Text Linguistics’ (1987). ‘Secondary words and Semantic Coherence of Text’ (2000, sponsored by USIA, administered by IREX), and a co-author (with Th. V. Gamkrelidze, Z. Kiknadze and I. Shaduri) of ‘A Course in Theoretical Linguistics’ (2003; 2008.), awarded the Ac. Giorgi Akhvlediani Prize of Georgian National Academy of Science. Her recent researches concern the pre-Hellenic Crete scripts of the Phaistos Disc and Linear A.
PhD (Linguistic theory and typology)
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Researcher in the centre for ‘Language, Logic and Speech’ of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia.
She is the author of two monographs: ‘Linguistics and Text Linguistics’ (1987). ‘Secondary words and Semantic Coherence of Text’ (2000, sponsored by USIA, administered by IREX), and a co-author (with Th. V. Gamkrelidze, Z. Kiknadze and I. Shaduri) of ‘A Course in Theoretical Linguistics’ (2003; 2008.), awarded the Ac. Giorgi Akhvlediani Prize of Georgian National Academy of Science. Her recent researches concern the pre-Hellenic Crete scripts of the Phaistos Disc and Linear A.