ВОТ ЭТО НАСТОЯЩИЙ ЗВЕРЬ ДЗЮДО - ГУРАМ ТУШИШВИЛИ | გურამ თუშიშვილი | Guram Tushishvili Highlights

Judo Art-ის მიერ

Гурам Тушишвили - Грузинский тяжеловес, мощный дзюдоист, настоящий ЗВЕРЬ Дзюдо! Трехкратный чемпион европы, чемпион мира 2018, многократный победитель и призер турниров по Дзюдо. Машина уничтожения в весе +100 килограмм. Его любимые броски - задняя подножка, бросок с колен, обратный бросок через спину, зацеп, бедро.

Guram Tushishvili - Georgian BEAST, real monster. He fights at +100 kg, he is 3 times European Champion, World Champion 2018, winner of many IJF Tourtnaments. His favourite techniques are - sode-tsurikomi-goshi, o-goshi, o-soto-gari, o-uchi-gari, uchi-mata, drop-seoi-nage, hiza-guruma.
Video belongs to EJF, IJF.

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Judo more the sport. That the slogan of my channel and my life! Judo for the world, judo for the each people. My mission - make judo more popular in the world. Judo is amazing sport with all the traditions and spirit of warrior.
In my channel you will find the highlights from all the judo events and judo player highlights. The special directions of my channel :
- Judo Highlights about japan judo and japanese judokas
- Promo videos about events
- TOPs with the best montage

Massive respect to International Judo Federaton (ijf.org) all the videos i take from there. They have also youtube channel    / judo   subscribe there. I really love theme, i love judo because i found myself in this business, i thanks to judo for that who a became.
All the video materials are from
- ijf.org
-    / judo  
Information about judokas - judoinside.com

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