Caucasian Journal Meetup 1.2 on Road Safety / საგზაო უსაფრთხოება, in Georgian / ენა: ქართული

Caucasian Journal-ის მიერ

Caucasian Journal Meetup 2.1 (May 25, 2021):
ROAD SAFETY / საგზაო უსაფრთხოება
Language: Georgian / ენა: ქართული

Guest speakers:
Mr. Gela Kvashilava - Partnership Foundation for RoadSafety, Elected Member of the Board of Directors of the Global Alliance
Mr. Gela Ghaghanidze - Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation, Technical Supervisor of Construction Quality
Mr. Zviad Arabidze - Founder and Director of Geohaus, Founder of IGC (Initiatives for Global Cooperation)

On May 25, CJ Meetup 1.2 focused on the Road Safety in Georgia – and what can be done to improve it. Based on this article in Caucasian Journal about why Norway has the Europe’s safest roads:

About Caucasian Journal Meetups:
CJ Meetups are public outreach activities such as interactive discussions. They are organized as real-life + virtual meetings, which can be attended both in person and remotely using video conferencing tools.
CJ Meetups have specific discussion topics, which are related to articles published by Caucasian Journal, and therefore require prior acquaintance with selection of our content. Meetups welcome prior submission of comments and discussion notes, which are to be verbalized during live discussion.