Uplistsikhe, Cave City / Uplisziche / უფლისციხე [4K]

Enjoy Georgia-ის მიერ

Detailed information about Uplistsikhe: https://highlights-of-georgia.com/en/...
Uplistsikhe is the oldest rock-hewn town (Cave City) and was most important place of Georgia bevor country became Christian in 4th century. First caves were made in Uplistsikhe already in 3rd Millennium BC and they were inhabited till 18th Century AD.

Uplisziche ist die älteste Festungs- und Höhlenstadt in Georgien, sowie im ganzen Südkaukasus.

უფლისციხე არის ერთერთი უძველესი კლდეში ნაკვეთი ქალაქი, როგორც საქართველოში ასევე მთელ კავკასიაში.