Low Ceiling 2.48 m _ Gigi Shukakidze / WUNDERWERK


Low Ceiling 2.48 m _ Gigi Shukakidze / WUNDERWERK
დაბალი ჭერი 2.48 მ _ გიგი შუკაკიძე

To pour concrete in cast-boxes on site and fill with brick walls, took a lot of time.
Pre-cast concrete panels became time saving solution.
These buildings were produced in factories.
They have cheap, flat asphalt roofs with low attics, where cats never get and pigeons started to live..

The structure merged in the corridor of exhibition hall attempts to rethink “Khrushyovka” type housing phenomenon - Habitat as the dwelling way out.
Low ceiling height (2.48 meter) is the inseparable part of Tbilisi city history and clearly represents the social, political and economic context.

Type: Installation
Exhibition: Oxygen II
Status: Realized
Place: Tbilisi, Georgia
Year: 2019

Architect: Gigi Shukakidze

