ფოთის საკათედრო ტაძარი / Poti Cathedral

Lasha Mtvaradze-ის მიერ

On May 22, 1907, a cross was erected on the dome of the temple. It took eight months to build it - the cathedral had three altars, the iconostasis was painted by the artist of the Russian Imperial Academy Dumitrashko, completed in 1908. The icons on the north side of the iconostasis were made in the Greek-Byzantine, in the south-Georgian-Byzantine, and in the Middle Russian-Byzantine style. The icons of St. Nino and David the Builder were among them. In 1932, the communist government of Poti decided to turn the cathedral into a theater. The building has been reconstructed several times, after which its appearance was quite damaged. After the restoration of independence, the dispute between the Georgian Church and the theatrical troupe lasted for a long time, and finally, by the decision of the Poti City Council, the building was handed over to the church.