26 - Gvidani Family - Lale - ლალე

FlipFlop Caravan-ის მიერ

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A a song about one dark evening. The singers were waiting for somebody who didn't come. The candle was gone so they put the light on. Nobody came. The night was awful but the Saint George's blessings (Giorgoba) arrived so the next day was expected to be bright again.

Story of this recording begins in Sagarejo (Georgia). We were on our way to explore the David Gareja monastery complex close to the border of Azerbaijan - a land of shepherds and wastelands. The last village on the road is Udabno. It is a village built as a refuge for people who had been affected by a massive avalanche in the Svaneti region and lost their homes in this catastrophe. We hoped that there was some kind of a shelter at this end of the world.
We also hoped for getting a lift by some one but no cars were passing, it was raining almost snowing. The destination was more than 30 km away and the sun was already pretty low. We hesitated whether we would be able to reach Udabno that very day. We bought freshly baked bread in a nearby stand to uplift our spirit.
We took turns in hitchhiking so both of us didn't have to be exposed to the bad weather.
Finally someone stopped, he asked for money, but we were short of cash. We thanked him and he started leaving. A moment of despair. But 10 meters from us he stopped again and waved back on us. He wanted to take us anyway. God bless him!
The road was in a very bad shape and it almost an hour to get to Udabno. Without any communication he dropped us in front of a funny looking house that had Oasis Club sign written on it. We repeated \"didi madloba\" (thank you in Georgian) several times to our rescuer and went in.
Mag Len, a Polish volunteer greeted us with a big smile. We felt that this place is very special.
After an hour long conversation we told our new friend about our goal to record local musicians during our travels alongside the Silk Road - \"Well our cooks are singing\" she said... All credits go to: Gvidani sisters (Nana, Tamuri, Lykia) and their Deda Galia (mother).

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