【Rehab as gentle as drinking tea】Providing stability for walking, using stairs,transferring

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I did my best to make sure that the content is correct, but there may be errors or inaccuracies regarding our explanations. Effects will vary for each individual and there may be exceptions. The authors cannot be held responsible for any injuries or losses that occur as a result of using the exercises. In addition, those with chronic illnesses or who have health risks should consult with a physician before attempting these exercises.

【Related terms】
Phục hồi chức,năng,Rehabilitering,إعادة,تأهيل,Рэабілітацыя,Rehabilitimi,توانبخشی,Վերականգնում,Rehabilitación,Riabilitazione,Rehabilitácia,Rehabilitacja,Rehabilitacija,Rehabilitacija,Reabilitação,Rehabilitasi,
Рехабилитација,Рехабилитација,Реабілітація,Reabilitatsiya,การฟื้นฟูสมรรถภาพ,Rehabilitasyon,Taastusravi,Pemulihan,ပြန်လည်ထူထောင်ရေး,Нөхөн сэргээх,Revalidatie,Rehabilitace,Оңалту,Rehabilitering,

#slidingsteps #shufflingsteps #stumbling #transferring #usingstairs #fallprevention #rehabilitation #musclestrengthening #rehab #buttoksmuscle #activitiesofdailyliving #physiotherapy #physicaltherapy #elderly #nurse