
♛ ვერავინ გამაჩერებთ,თბილისელი ვარ!

Cache /PASSED-ის მიერ

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▽ Подписывайся на Cache /PASSED
◉ Instagram | https://www.facebook.com/i.tsurtsumiaa
◉ Facebook | https://www.instagram.com/i.tsurtsumia_/

► This channel is created to promote magnificent songs, and as well, producers. Absolutely, NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. This CHANNEL CLAIMS NO RIGHTS OR OWNERSHIP over the contents posted. If you wish for a track to be removed, please let us know so we can remove it from our feed immediately :wuro.wuro1@gmail.com

#All Copyright free music playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4DO-...

© Все авторские права (Аудио/Фото/Видео) принадлежат их законным владельцам. Если вы являетесь автором и распространение ущемляет ваши авторские права, просим вас связаться с нами, мы удалим материал. Все треки и клипы публикуются с разрешения авторов.

✉ (wuro.wuro1@Gmail.com)

© All copyrights (Audio/Photo/Video) belong to their rightful owners. If you are an author and distribute your copyright infringement, please contact us, we will immediately delete the material. All tracks and clips are published with the permission of the authors.

✉ wuro.wuro1@Gmail.com

• Often we can not find the respective owner of images. If you are the owner and want this image to be removed or at least get the credits for it or you have certain conditions, please contact us and we will find a solution.

• If any producer/label or photographer has an issue with this upload, please contact us (wuro.wuro1@Gmail.com) and we will delete it

#Cache/PasseD #Find #your #music